Di edisi ini, aku mau ngebahas tentang software 2D yg 100% Gratis ! Nah, di part1 ini yg mau aku bahas adalah VeCAD. Software ini dikembangkan oleh Kolbasoft dari Rusia. Intinya, software ini bisa dipakai layaknya AutoCAD.
Ni dia feature - featurenya :
- Supports AutoCAD DWG and DXF drawings formats by using OpenDWG technology.
- Native VEC format for drawings. Drawings can also be saved as raster images.
- Save/Read drawing to/from memory (BLOB fields).
- Supports Pages, Layers, Linetypes, Blocks, TextStyles, PointStyles, Multi-line Styles (parallel lines), Dimension styles, Selection Sets.
- Graphic objects include Points, Lines, Sub-classed Polylines, Circles, Arcs, Ellipses, Rectangles, Text, Block Insertions, Dimensions and Raster Images. All objects can use the 3D coordinate system.
- Supports plug-in filters to open raster image in various formats. VeCAD ships with an open-source plug-in that supports the GIF, JPEG, and TIFF formats. On our website you can download additional plug-ins that let you to open in VeCAD an images of the following formats: PNG, GIF, PCX, ICO, WMF, EMF, J2K, JBG, MNG and also ER Mapper Compressed Wavelet (ECW) images.
- A unique identifier for each drawing object facilitates external database referencing.
- Access to all the properties of any object, either programmatically or via dialogs.
- Zoom capabilities allowing you to view the entire drawing or any desired part of it.
- Mouse Wheel supports real-time Zoom and Pan.
- Print Preview.
- Draw in Model space and/or Paper space.
- Edit operations include Copy, Move, Rotate, Scale, Mirror, Explode, Erase, Join, Trim, Extend. Single objects can be edited by moving their control points (grips).
- Various snap modes allow you to draw/edit objects accurately without tedious calculations. Snapping modes use ID markers to enhance operator speed and vision. Superior Polar Tracking capability.
- Event-driven mechanism permits control of an application at the user interface level.
- Interface commands can be assigned directly to an application's menus, buttons and accelerator keys.
- Supports Windows TTF fonts and AutoCAD SHP/SHX fonts.
- Supports AutoCAD hatch patterns (PAT) and linetypes (LIN).
- Clipboard copy and paste.
- Undo-Redo buffer saves 100 commands.
- An accessory Command Window facilitates keyboard-driven command lines, introducing a potential macro interface for the application programmer.
- Easy localization to any language.
Selamat mencoba !!!
mas kholish 2d gratisane ga isoh didownload ki
mas kholis salam kenal afid pengguna baru sw bs ksh tips/triks ga ttg sw untuk civil or architecture
Sdr. Afid...
Coba download VeCAD di link ini : http://www.kolbasoft.com/vecad61.zip
Tentang penggunaan solidworks untuk civil tipsnya adalah : Gunakan Multi body modeling atau top down design.
Tapi akan lebih tepat jika Afid bisa memberi contoh gambar yg ingin dibuat.